A car loan is simply a way for you to go about paying for the car that you are looking to purchase. You are going to take out a car loan from a financial lending company and bring it to the car dealership with you. The reason for going about doing this is because the moment that you bring your own New Car Finance to a car dealership you are then considered what is known as any cash buyer in that you can buy the car pretty much out right from them just as if you are paying for it in cash in the first place. You can then you should car finance in order to either buy the car that you want from them or you can also use it to lease a car through them.
The bad credit used car loan that you will end up getting for yourself really is going to end up helping you get a very easy to manage and budget priced because the monthly payments are going to be fairly lower than at what you would normally expect from a car dealership as well as the interest rates on it should also be considerably lower than what you would get from used car dealerships. You should not be afraid about this though because there are a few different things you can do that can guide you in finding yourself the best financial deal on a bad credit used car loan.
A New Car Loan From the Dealer is not Always the Best Choice for Your New Car Finance
To do this it is simply a matter of agreeing on the price of your new car and signing the necessary documents for a new car loan. Car dealers can be very persuasive and once they feel you are sold on a car then there is little hope of a reduced price or a very competitively priced new car loan.
- Speak to a mortgage broker or a lease broker to see what connections they may have with new car dealerships. Surprisingly, a mortgage broker can not only access good new car finance but also has negotiating “clout” with a number of new car dealerships. Most new car dealerships have monthly volume targets which when reached result in large bonuses being paid by the new car manufacturer. As a direct purchaser you will not be privy to this information but where the mortgage broker has built a good relationship with a new car dealership he or she will undoubtedly be able to negotiate a better new car price for you – unless of course there is a waiting list for the particular car you are after. The new car was delivered straight to her Sydney home.
- If you are not absolutely set on a particular new car then find out what the re-sale value is of similar model cars when sold say 3 years later or at the expiration of your new car lease and new car loan. It is generally accepted that most new cars diminish in value by up to 15 % the moment you drive it out of the car yard. To ensure you retain value in your new car and that the residual value after 3 or 5 years under your new car loan will be met from the sale proceeds as a “used” car, it is imperative to check the sales history of the car / model/ manufacturer. It can be disheartening to find that when you eventually sell the car you do not realise a price that allows you to pay out the residual under the new car finance. This negates the likelihood of there being a shortfall between the used car sale price and the residual value under your new car loan.
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